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#3rd Party

PurgeCSS, Tailwind, Gatsby, and Dependencies
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
November 16, 2020

PurgeCSS, Tailwind, Gatsby, and Dependencies

This is a very specific use case, I'm aware, but what happens when you combine have a project that uses TailwindCSS, Gatsby, and PurgeCSS and then combine that…

How We Use bit and Storybook at MachineServant
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
November 05, 2020

How We Use bit and Storybook at MachineServant

Are you looking for an efficient way to create and manage a component library? If so, Storybook and Bit are two great tools that can help. Both of these…

StorybookJS: An Introduction and Analysis from MachineServant
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
November 02, 2020

StorybookJS: An Introduction and Analysis from MachineServant

The new web development paradigm is to develop components that are small, descriptive, and easily portable. Check out any front-end framework you like: React…

GatsbyJS and
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
October 08, 2020

GatsbyJS and

Embedded assets can be a pain sometimes. A lot of the time, the embed code you are given just doesn't work out of the box. This is doubly true with Gatsby…
