All posts tagged #GatsbyJS

Building a GatsbyJS Blog: Search Engine Optimization
Welcome to part five of "Building a GatsbyJS Blog!" In this post, we'll take our blog to the next level by discussing search engine optimization (SEO…

Building a GatsbyJS Blog: Layout and Featured Images
Welcome to part four of "Building a GatsbyJS Blog!" In this post, we'll continue building a beautiful and fully functional blog with GatsbyJS. In the previous…

Building a GatsbyJS Blog: The Blog and Post Pages
Welcome to part three of "Building a Gatsby Blog"! We've made significant progress in the previous parts of the series, creating the foundation of our blog with…

Building a GatsbyJS Blog: Layout and Pages
Welcome back to "Building a GatsbyJS Blog"! In this second part of the series, we'll focus on creating the Layout and pages for our blog. We'll start by…

Building a GatsbyJS Blog: Creating the Project
Are you looking to create a blazingly fast and secure blog? If so, then you're in the right place. I will walk you through creating a GatsbyJS blog from…

GatsbyJS: The React-Based Static Site Generator
In today's fast-paced digital world, having a website is crucial for any business or individual looking to establish an online presence. I have experience…

Angular vs React: What should you choose? | MachineServant
When it comes to building web and mobile applications, developers have a variety of frameworks to choose from. Two of the most popular options are Angular and…

Web Development Trends (ChatGPT Generated)
This article was generated using ChatGPT. See my previous post for some context. Web development is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies and…

What About Security?
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is "How can I ensure my website (or application) is secure?" And, boy, do I wish that was a question with an…

PurgeCSS, Tailwind, Gatsby, and Dependencies
This is a very specific use case, I'm aware, but what happens when you combine have a project that uses TailwindCSS, Gatsby, and PurgeCSS and then combine that…

GatsbyJS and weatherwidget.io
Embedded assets can be a pain sometimes. A lot of the time, the embed code you are given just doesn't work out of the box. This is doubly true with Gatsby…

Publishing Posts with Remark
At the time of writing this post, MachineServant uses Remark for blog posts. It's super simple to use and keeps the blog posts directly inline with the code for…

Building MachineServant Part 1
There are numerous blog posts explaining how to build your website and host it using Gatsby and Netlify. I won't be diving into the details too heavily but I…