Clear glass sphere on snow
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
January 27, 202410 min
Table of Contents

Everyone has their way of organizing a React app. And everyone has a preferred way of handling code linting, formatting, and naming conventions. These are my rules. I've found them to be a good balance between keeping things organized and not over-engineering things. I've also found them to be an excellent way to organize a React app for a team of developers.

Every project is different, so this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. But it's a good starting point.

You're welcome to use this as a starting point for your React apps. Or, you can ignore it completely. It's up to you.

Why I Created This

I've been doing this for a while and often lead teams of developers or architect projects from scratch. I've found that it's helpful to have a set of guidelines that I can use to get a project started quickly. It's also beneficial to have a set of guidelines that I can use to explain to other developers how I like to organize things.

And, frankly, I keep getting asked what my guidelines are. So, I figured I'd write them down.

Code Style and Guidelines

Code styles and guidelines are essential. Consistency is critical. I've found that it's best to have a set of rules everyone follows. It makes it easier to read and understand the code. It also makes it easier to work with other developers. As I mentioned above, everyone has their own way of doing things. I like my code style, but you do you.

Always use named exports

/* Good */
export const Button = () => <button>Click Me</button>;
/* Bad */
export default () => <button>Click Me</button>;


For clarity of code. You can import it as import { Button } from './Button' when you use named exports. You can import default exports as import MyCrazyButtonName from './Button' when you use default exports. It's easier to understand what's happening when you use named exports.

Folder names are in "kebab-case"

# Good
# Bad
# Bad


It's easier to read and understand. It's also easier to type. It's also the convention used by most npm modules.

File names are in "kebab-case"

# Good
# Bad


It's easier to read and understand. It's also easier to type. It's also the convention used by most npm modules. Additionally, we want to make React components easy to see. React components are the only components in PascalCase. See below.

Only React Components are in "PascalCase"

# Good
# Bad


We want to make sure that React components are easy to identify and stand out as the most important file in the module.

Module and Component structure

A "module" is a highly cohesive and loosely coupled collection of code. A good example would be a Button component and its related styles and utility functions.

Each module should be easy to work with and contain only the code necessary to accomplish its task. It should also be easy to find and understand. Refactoring should be as simple as dragging and dropping the module folder into another location and updating the import paths.

Each module only contains one React component.

# Good
# Bad


A module should be highly cohesive and loosely coupled. It should be easy to understand and easy to move. It should also be easy to find. A module should only contain the code necessary to accomplish its task. If you have multiple React components in a module, it's a sign that you should split the module into multiple modules.

Each module contains an "index.ts" file that exports the module.

# Good
# Bad


The index.ts file is the entry point for the module. Without the index.ts file and without exporting the module from the index.ts file, importing the module would be a pain. You'd have to import the module as import { MyComponent } from './components/my-component/MyComponent'. That's a lot of typing. It's easier to import the module as import { MyComponent } from './components/my-component'.

The "index.ts" file is only used to export code. It does not define any code.

/* Good */
// /components/my-component/index.ts
import { myFunction } from './utils';
export { myFunction };
export * from './MyComponent';
/* Bad */
// /components/my-component/index.ts
export const MyComponent = () => <div />;
export const myFunction = () => 'foo';


To make the code easy to understand and clarify what file is dedicated to what concept, the index.ts file is kept as minimal as possible.

Define only one component per file

/* Good */
export const MyComponent = () => <div />;
/* Bad */
export const MyComponent = () => <div />;
export const MyOtherComponent = () => <div />;


A file should only contain the code necessary to accomplish its task. If you have multiple React components in a file, it's a sign that you should split the file into multiple files.

A component may only import from "top-level" or child folders and files, never from another component's non-exported members.

/* Good */
// ~/components/my-component/MyComponent.tsx
// All of these are good because they are either top-level or child folders and files
import { MySharedComponent } from '~/components/my-shared-component';
import { MyChildComponent } from './components/my-child-component';
import { myFunction } from './utils';
/* Good */
/// ~/components/my-component/MyComponent.tsx
// This is okay because MySubComponentProps is exported from my-other-component
import type { MyOtherComponentProps } from '~/components/my-other-component';
/* Bad */
/// ~/components/my-component/MyComponent.tsx
// This is bad because MySubComponent is not exported from my-other-component
import { MySubComponent } from '~/components/my-other-component/components/my-sub-component';


In the above example, MySubComponent is a sub-component of my-other-component. A sub-component is considered a private member of the module. If the sub-component needs to be used by other components, make the sub-component a top-level component that can be shared. Exporting a member from a module via its index.ts file is also okay. This is why the index.ts file is so important.

Modules can contain sub-modules.

Sub-modules or sub-components are modules only used by the parent module or exported via the parent module's index.ts file. In general, you won't want to export many sub-modules or sub-components. If you find yourself exporting many sub-modules or sub-components, it's a sign that you should split the module into multiple modules.

- components
- my-component
- components
- my-sub-component
- index.ts
- MySubComponent.tsx
* index.ts
* MyComponent.tsx
* index.ts
* utils.ts


🗒 Modules and components can nest infinitely (although, be reasonable). Each nested module or component (sub-module or sub-component) has to follow the same rules as other modules and components, representing a private scope from its parent. Don't import anything into a sub-module or sub-component except from its own children or sibling modules.

A module always contains at least these files:

  • A kebab-case named directory
  • An index.ts file that exports all public members of the module
  • A PascalCase named React component file (for React component modules)
- my-component
- index.ts
- MyComponent.tsx

Other common files and directories in a module:

  • A components folder that contains all of the module's sub-components
  • A styles.ts file that contains all of the module's styles
  • A context folder that contains all of the module's context files
  • A hooks folder that contains all of the module's hooks
  • A utils folder or utils.ts file that contains all of the module's utility functions
  • A types folder or types.ts file that contains all of the module's types
  • A MyComponent.test.tsx file that contains all of the module's tests
  • A MyComponent.stories.tsx file that contains all of the module's stories
  • A file that contains all of the module's documentation

This is not an exhaustive list. Remember that a module should contain all the code necessary to accomplish its task. If you find yourself adding many files to a module, it's a sign that you should split the module into multiple modules.

Common patterns

These are not rules per se, but they are good patterns I've found as a developer. Take them or leave them.

Passing down HTML props like "className" and all other attributes magically.

The React.HTMLAttributes interface contains all HTML attributes that can be passed to a React component. This interface can pass down all HTML attributes to a React component. You can use the ...props syntax to gather all the HTML attributes and pass them down to the component.

type MyComponentProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & {
name: string;
export const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({
}) => {
return (
<div className={className} {...props}>
// Usage from another component
import { MyComponent } from '~/components/my-component';
export const MyOtherComponent: React.FC = () => {
return (
<div className="w-3xl mx-auto">
className="bg-red mt-4"
style={{ fontWeight: 400 }}
onClick={() => console.log('clicked')}


🗒 Notice that MyComponent can have things like onClick and style passed. This is because MyComponent is a div under the hood. Using this pattern to pass down HTML attributes to a component is a good idea. It's also a good idea to use this pattern to pass down all attributes to a component.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This pattern does have a side effect in an IDE like VSCode. The intellisense will show all HTML attributes as available to the component. This may not be very clear to developers. I've found that the benefits of this pattern outweigh the drawbacks. It's up to you if you want to use this pattern.

Using "tailwind-merge" to merge tailwind classes

If you're using Tailwind CSS, you may find yourself wanting to merge Tailwind classes. The tailwind-merge package is a good way to do this. It's a simple utility function that merges Tailwind classes. It will also allow you to add conditional classes.

import { twMerge } from 'tailwind-merge';
export const MyComponent: React.FC<{ active?: boolean }> = ({
active = false,
}) => {
return (
active && 'text-white',
!active && 'text-black'
Hello World

Combining this with the pattern above, you can do something like this:

type MyComponentProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> & {
active?: boolean;
export const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({
active = false,
}) => {
return (
active && 'text-white',
!active && 'text-black'
Hello World


These are my React UI code guidelines. I've found them to be a good balance between keeping things organized and not over-engineering things. I've also found them to be an excellent way to organize a React app for a team of developers.

Every project is different, so this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. But it's a good starting point.

You're welcome to use this as a starting point for your React apps. Or, you can ignore it completely. It's up to you.

If you're interested in seeing an example of these guidelines in action, check out the source code for this website. It's a good example of how I like to organize a React app.

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